Table of Contents:
  • Whose schools are these and what are they for? The role of the rule of law in defining educational opportunity in American public education / Diana Pullin
  • The finance of American public education: challenges of equity, adequacy, and efficiency / Margaret E. Goertz
  • Infusing educational decision making with research / Mary Kennedy
  • The role of philosophy in educational reforms: never the Twain shall meet? / Andrew T. Lumpe
  • Evolution of educational reform in Maryland: using data to drive state policy and local reform / Hillary R. Michaels and Steven Ferrara
  • Michigan: the state of education reform / John Engler and Gleaves Whitney
  • Standards initiatives and American educational reform / Edward D. Roeber
  • Moving toward an accountable system of K-12 education: alternative approaches and challenges / James G. Cibulka
  • The role of the national assessment of educational progress (NAEP) in setting, reflection and linking national education policy to states' needs / Mary Lyn Bourque
  • Education policy in the United States and abroad: what we can learn from each other / Harold W. Stevenson and Barbara K. Hofer
  • Policy and practical implications of theoretical innovations in education / Thomas G. Dunn
  • Political institutions and educational policy / Knneth K. Wong
  • Success for all: policy consequences of replicable schoolwide reform / Robert E. Slavin
  • The impact of the teachers' unions on educational policy and outcomes / Leo Troy
  • The pendulum revisited : faddism in education and its alternatives / Robert E. Slavin
  • The role of technology in education: reality, pitfalls and potential / J. Kevin Maney
  • Meta-analytic effects for policy / Herbert J. Walberg and Jin-Shei Lai
  • Mixed-method research: introduction and application / John W. Creswell
  • Basic concepts in hierarchical linear modeling with applications for policy analysis / J. Douglas Willms
  • American educational policy: constructing crises and crafting solutions / Gregory J. Cizek and Vidya Ramaswamy
  • Educational policy analysis: the treads behind, the treads ahead / Anne C. Lewis.