Encyclopedia of educational leadership and administration /
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Format: | Book |
Language: | English |
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Thousand Oaks, Calif. :
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Table of Contents:
- Vol. 1. Academic freedom
- Accountability
- Accreditation
- Achievement gap, of students
- Achievement tests
- Action learning
- Action research
- Adams, Charles Francis
- Adaptiveness of organizations
- Addams, Jane
- Administration, theories of
- Admissions
- Adolescence
- Adult education
- Aesthetics, in education
- Affective domain
- Affective education
- Affirmative action
- Afrocentric theories
- Ageism
- Alignment, of curriculum
- American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
- American Association of School Administrators
- American Federation of Teachers
- Anti-Semitism
- Architecture of schools
- Aristotle
- Arts education
- Asbestos
- Ashton's efficacy research
- Asian Pacific Americans
- Athletics in schools
- At-risk students
- Attitudes
- Attitudes toward work
- Authority
- Axiomatic theory
- Baer, Donald
- Barnard, Chester I.
- Behavior, student
- Behaviorism
- Bell, Ted
- Belonging
- Bethune, Mary McLeod
- Bible, as history
- Binet, Alfred
- Black education
- Boards of education
- Bobbitt, John Franklin
- Boundaries of systems
- Brain research and practice
- Bryant, William Cullen
- Budgeting
- Bullying
- Bureaucracy
- Burns, James MacGregor
- Burroughs, Nannie
- Burt, Cyril
- Business education
- Butler, Nicholas Murray
- Capacity building, of organizations
- Capital outlay
- Career and technical education
- Career development
- Career stages
- Carlyle, Thomas
- Case story
- Case studies
- Catholic education
- Cattell, Raymond
- Chain of command
- Chaos theory
- Character education
- Charisma, of leaders
- Charter schools
- Chavez, Cesar Estrada
- Chicago school reform
- Chief academic officer
- Child development theories
- Children and families in America
- Choice, of schools
- Christian Coalition
- Church-state issues
- Civics, civic education
- Civics, history in schools
- Civil rights movement
- Clark, Septima
- Class, social
- Class size
- Classification of education
- Classroom management
- Classroom research
- Climate, school
- Clinical education
- Clinical supervision
- Cocking, Walter
- Coeducation
- Cognition, theories of
- Cognitive dissonance
- Cognitive styles
- Cohorts
- Coleman, James
- Collaboration theory
- Collective bargaining
- Comer School Development Program
- Communications, theories in organizations
- Communities, types, building of
- Community colleges
- Community education
- Community relations
- Compensatory education
- Competition, forms of, in schools
- Compliance theory
- Compulsory education
- Computers, use and impact of
- Conceptual systems theory and leadership
- Conditioning theory
- Conflict management
- Consideration, caring
- Consolidation, of school districts
- Constructivism
- Constructivism, social
- Contextual knowledge
- Contextual teaching and learning
- Contingency theories
- Continuing education
- Contracts, with teacher unions
- Control, managerial
- Control of education, state
- Cooper, Anna Julia
- Coppin, Fanny Jackson
- Corporal punishment
- Cost-benefit analyses
- Council of Chief State School Officers
- Council of the Great City Schools
- Counseling
- Covey, Stephen
- Creationism
- Creativity, in management
- Creativity, theories of
- Critical race theory
- Critical theory
- Critical thinking
- Cross-cultural education
- Cross-cultural studies
- Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly
- Cubberley, Ellwood
- Culbertson, Jack
- Cultural capital
- Cultural politics, wars
- Culture, school
- Curriculum, theories of
- Curriculum audit
- Curriculum guides
- Curriculum mapping
- Darwin, Charles
- de Bono, Edward
- Deaf education
- Death education
- Decentralization/centralization controversy
- Decision making
- Deconstruction
- Delphi technique
- Deming, W. Edwards
- Democracy, democratic education and administration
- Department of Education
- Desegregation, of schools
- Determinism, sociocultural
- Dewey, John
- Dialectical inquiry
- Differentiated instruction
- Differentiated staffing
- Differentiation of stimuli
- Digital divide
- Disabilities, of students
- Discipline in schools
- Discrimination
- Disequilibrium, theories of
- Diversity
- Division of labor
- Dogmatism and scales of Rokeach
- Dorsey, Susan Miller
- Dropouts
- Drug education
- Du Bois, W.E.B.
- Dyson, Michael Eric
- Early childhood education
- Economics, theories of
- Education Commission of the States
- Educational equity
- Educational service agencies
- Educational Testing Service
- Effect size
- Efficacy theory
- Egocentrism, theories of
- Elastic tax
- Elections, of school boards, bond issues
- Elementary education
- Emotional disturbance
- Empiricism
- Empowerment
- Engagement
- Enrollment projections
- Entropy
- Environmental sustainability
- Equality, in schools
- Equity and adequacy of funding schools
- Esprit (school climate)
- Esteem needs
- Ethics
- Ethnicity
- Ethnocentrism
- Ethnography
- Ethos, of organizations
- Eugenics
- Evaluation
- Existentialism
- Expectations, teacher and student cultures
- Expert power
- Expulsion, of students
- Extracurricular activities
- Factor analysis
- Faculty, educational leadership programs
- Fascism and schools
- Favoritism
- Federal Privacy Act
- Feedback
- Feminism and theories of leadership
- Field theory
- Fieldwork, in qualitative research
- Finance, of public schools
- Flexner report
- Flow theory
- Follett, Mary Parker
- Forecasting
- Frame theory
- Freud, Sigmund
- Friedman, Milton
- Fringe benefits
- Fullan, Michael
- Functionalist theory
- Fundamentalism
- Gallup Polls, on public education
- Gardner, Howard
- Gender studies, in educational leadership
- Gestalt theory and therapy
- Giftedness, gifted education
- Global cultural politics
- Globalism
- Goals, goal setting
- Governance
- Grades, of students
- Graves, Claire
- Great man theory
- Greenfield, Thomas Barr
- Group dynamics
- Haley, Margaret
- Hall, R. Vance
- Halo effect
- Halpin, Andrew William
- Harris, William Torrey
- Havighurst, Robert
- Hawthorne Studies, The
- Hay, Henry (Harry)
- Hazards, environmental, in schools
- Head Start
- Health education
- Heuristics
- Hierarchical developmental models
- Hierarchy, in organizations
- High schools
- Higher education
- History, in curriculum
- Holmes Group
- Holocaust education
- Homeostasis
- Homeschooling
- Homophobia
- Howe, Harold
- Human capital
- Human resource development
- Humanistic education
- Hypotheses, in research
- Idealism, as philosophy in education
- Ideology, shifts of in educational leadership preparation
- Imagination
- Immigration, history and impact in education
- Indian education
- Individual differences, in children
- Infrastructure, of organizations
- Innovation, in education
- Instruction, survey of
- Instructional interventions
- Instructional technology
- Instrumentation
- Intelligence
- International education
- Internships
- Interpretive studies
- Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium
- Involvement, in organizations
- Item response theory
- J-curve theory
- Jefferson, Thomas
- Job descriptions
- Job security
- Jung, Carl
- Junior high schools
- Just cause
- Kalamazoo case
- Kentucky Education Reform Act
- King, Martin Luther Jr.
- Knowledge, practical
- Knowledge base, of the field
- Kuhn, Thomas.
- Vol. 2. Language theories and processes
- Latinos
- Law
- Law, trends in
- Lawrence-Lightfoot, Sara
- Leadership, complex theory of
- Leadership, discretionary (and power)
- Leadership, distributed
- Leadership, national standards
- Leadership, participatory
- Leadership, situational
- Leadership, social dimensions of
- Leadership, spiritual
- Leadership, system-oriented
- Leadership, task-oriented
- Leadership, teacher
- Leadership, theories of
- Leadership effectiveness
- Leadership styles
- League of United Latin American Citizens
- Learn, opportunity to
- Learning, online
- Learning, theories of
- Learning environments
- Lemon test
- Lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender issues in education
- Liberalism
- Licensure and certification
- Life span development
- Lindsley, Ogden R.
- Line and staff concept
- Literacy, theories of
- Locus of control
- Logic, history and use of in educational leadership
- Loss of position (school principal)
- Lottery systems
- Loyola, Ignatius
- Machiavelli, Niccolò
- Mainstreaming and inclusion
- Malcolm X
- Management by objectives
- Management information systems
- Management theories
- Mann, Horace
- Market theory of schooling
- Marshall, Thurgood
- Marx, Karl
- Maslow, Abraham
- Mastery learning
- Math education
- Matrix organization (the "adhocracy")
- Maxwell, William H.
- McGregor, Douglas
- Measurement, theories of
- Meier, Deborah
- Mendez, Felicitas
- Mensa
- Mental illness, in adults and children
- Mentoring
- Merit pay
- Metacognition
- Middle schools
- Migrant students
- Minorities, in schools
- Mixed methods, in research
- Montessori, Maria
- Moral education
- Morale
- Morality, moral leadership
- Motivation, theories of
- Multiculturalism
- Museum education
- A Nation at Risk
- National Assessment of Educational Progress
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
- National Association of Elementary School Principals
- National Association of Secondary School Principals
- National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education
- National Council of Professors of Educational Administration
- National Education Association
- Needs assessment
- Negligence
- Neo-Nazism
- Networking and network theory
- Neuroscience
- No Child Left Behind
- Nomothetic/idiographic dimensions
- Normal schools
- Objectivity
- Office of Economic Opportunity
- Open systems theory
- Open-door policy
- Operational definitions
- Organizational design
- Organizational memory
- Organizational theories
- Organizations, types of, typologies
- Ossorio, Peter G.
- Outputs, of systems
- Paradigm
- Parent Teacher Association
- Parental involvement
- Parker, Francis W.
- Partnerships, interagency
- Path-goal leadership theory
- Patri, Angelo
- Peace education
- Peer interaction/friendships
- Peirce, Cyrus
- Perceptual control theory
- Perceptual psychology
- Performance assessment
- Performance evaluation systems
- Personality
- Personnel management
- Persuasion
- PERT (Performance Evaluation and Review Technique)
- Philosophies of education
- Physical education
- Piaget, Jean
- Picott, J. Rupert
- Planning, Programming, Budgeting System
- Planning models
- Plato
- Plutarch
- Policy advocacy
- Policy making, values of
- Politics, of education
- Popper, Karl
- Portfolios
- Positivism, postpositivism
- Postmodernism
- Power
- Power, remunerative
- Pragmatism and progressivism
- Prayer in school
- Pregnancy, of students
- Principal, assistant
- Principal succession
- Principal-agent theory
- Principalship
- Privatization
- Problem solving
- Problem-based learning
- Productivity
- Professional development
- Professional development schools
- Professional learning communities
- Promotion, social
- Property tax
- Psychology, types of
- Psychometrics
- Pygmalion effect
- Qualitative research, history, theories, issues
- Quality control
- Quantitative research methods
- Queer theory
- Questionnaires
- Rational organizational theory
- Reading, history of, use in schools
- Recognition theory/identity politics
- Recruitment, of school administrators
- Reduction in force
- Reductionism/parsimony
- Reform, of schools
- Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Religion, in schools
- Research methods
- Resiliency
- Resource management
- Restructuring, of schools
- Rice, Joseph Mayer
- Right-wing politics, advocates, impact on education
- Risk takers, in educational administration
- Risley, Todd R.
- Rogers, Carl
- Role ambiguity
- Role conflict
- Role model
- Role theory
- Rural education
- Russell, Bertrand
- S-curve theory
- Salary and salary models
- Sales tax
- Sanchez, George
- Satisfaction, in organizations and roles
- Satisficing theory
- Scalar principle
- Scheduling, types of in schools
- Scholastic Aptitude Test
- School districts, history and development
- School improvement models
- School plant management
- School safety
- School size
- School-business partnerships
- Schooling effects
- Schools of education
- Science, in curriculum
- Scientific management
- Self-actualization
- Semiotics
- Seniority, rule of
- Sexism (glass ceiling)
- Sexuality, theories of
- Simon, Herbert
- Site-based management
- Sizemore, Barbara A.
- Skinner, B.F.
- Social capital
- Social context
- Social psychology
- Social relations, dimensions of
- Social studies
- Span of control
- Spearman, Charles
- Special education
- Spencer, Herbert
- Staffing, concepts of
- Standard setting
- Standardized testing
- State departments of education
- Stewardship
- Strategic planning
- Stratification, in organizations
- Strayer, George D.
- Stress, in school administration
- Structural equation modeling
- Student teaching
- Subjectivism, in theory
- Suicide, in schools
- Superintendency
- Supervision
- Supreme Court, United States, key cases in education law
- Surveys and survey results
- Systemic reform
- Systems theory/thinking
- Table of organization
- Taxes, to support education
- Taylor, Frederick
- Teacher recruitment and retention
- Team teaching
- Technology and the law
- Television, impact on students
- Terrorism
- Testing and test theory development
- Textbooks
- Theories, use of
- Theory movement, in educational administration
- Theory X, Theory Y
- Thorndike, Edward
- Three-factor model, five-factor model
- Time management
- Time-on-task
- Total quality management
- Tracking, of students
- Trait theory
- Transactional analysis
- Transformational leadership
- Trends International Mathematics and Science Study
- Trenholm, Harper Councill
- Tutoring
- Tyler, Ralph Winifred
- Underachievers, in schools
- Unions, of teachers
- Universities, preparation of educational leaders in
- University Council for Educational Administration
- Validity and reliability
- Value-added indicators
- Values education
- Values of organizations and leadership
- Values pluralism, in schools
- Vandalism in schools
- Variables
- Vienna Circle
- Violence in schools
- Voucher plans
- Vulnerability thesis, of superintendents
- Walk-throughs, of classrooms
- Washington, Booker T.
- Web-based teaching and learning
- Weber, Max
- Wolf, Montrose
- Women in educational leadership
- Woodson, Carter G.
- Work task measurement
- Working conditions, in schools
- Workplace trends
- World Bank, influence on education
- Writing, teaching of
- Year-round education
- Young, Ella Flagg.