Table of Contents:
  • Attention and awareness in "implicit" sequence learning / David R. Shanks
  • Intention, attention, and consciousness in probabilistic sequence learning / Luis Jimenez
  • Neural structures that support implicit sequence learning / Eliot Hazeltine and Richard B. Ivry
  • Cognitive neuroscience of implicit category learning / F. Gregory Ashby and Michael B. Casale
  • Structure and function in sequence learning / Peter F. Dominey
  • Tempral effects in sequence learning / Arnaud Destrebecqz and Axel Cleeremans
  • Implicit and explicit learning in a unified architecture of cognition / Dieter Wallach and Christian Lebiere
  • Visual orienting, learning and conscious awareness / Tony Lambert
  • Contextual cueing / Yuhong Jiang and Marvin M. Chun
  • Attention and implicit memory / Neil W. Mulligan and Alan S. Brown
  • Verbal report of incidentally experienced environmental regularity / Peter A. Frensch [and others].