Table of Contents:
  • Progress and challenges for large-scale studies / Andrew C. Porter and Adam Gamoran
  • Study design
  • The measurement of student achievement in international studies / Robert L. Linn
  • Adapting achievement tests into multiple languages for international assessments / Ronald K. Hambleton
  • Sampling issues in design, conduct, and interpretation of international comparative studies of school achievement / James R. Chromy
  • Culture and context
  • Cultural-cognitive issues in academic achievement: new directions for cross-national research / Janine Bempechat, Norma V. Jimenez, and Beth A. Boulay
  • Measuring family background in international studies of education: conceptual issues and methodological challenges / Claudia Buchmann
  • Advancements in conceptualizing and analyzing cultural effects in cross-national studies of educational achievement / Gerald K. LeTendre
  • Making inferences
  • The measurement of opportunity to learn / Robert E. Floden
  • Statistical issues in analysis of international comparisons of educational achievement / Stephen W. Raudenbush and Ji-Soo Kim
  • Drawing inferences for national policy from large-scale cross-national education surveys / Marshall S. Smith
  • Conclusion
  • Large-scale, cross-national surveys of educational achievement: promises, pitfalls, and possibilities / Brian Rowan.