Critical phenomena: proceedings of a conference held in Washington, D. C., April 1965/

Corporate Authors: Conference on Phenomena in the Neighburhood of Critical Points: (Washington, D. C.:, United States. National Bureau of Standards
Other Authors: Green, Melville S., Sengers, J. V.
Format: Book
Published: Washington: United States Department of Commerce, Natonal Bureau of Standards, 1966
ΒιβλιοθήκηΤαξιθετικός αριθμόςΑριθμός ΑντιτύπωνΠληροφορίεςΚατάσταση
Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου - Ανοιχτό Πανεπιστήμιο ΚύπρουQC100.U57 19651ΠροβολήOPAC