Food and the memory : proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, 2000 /

Corporate Author: Oxford Symposium on Food & Cookery(
Other Authors: Walker, Harlan
Format: Book
Published: Devon, England: Prospect Books, 2001
Table of Contents:
  • Folk tale memories as illustrated and interpreted in the fairy story of Hansel and Gretel / Joan P. Alcock
  • Madeleines and other aides-me?moires : the importance of food references in Proustʹs Recherche / Rose Arnold
  • Omiyage : constructed memories and reconstructed travel in Japan / Michael Ashkenazi
  • Language of flavour : learning and memory / Anthony Blake
  • Amarcord : the flavour of buried memories / John F. Carafoli
  • Spice memories / Fred Czarra
  • Dining with the Caesars / Andrew Dalby
  • Journeys through smell and taste : home, self, identity / Ferda Erdinc?
  • Whisky sours, flapjacks and woodsmoke : a century in the life of an Adirondack picnic / Elizabeth Field
  • Memories of M.F.K. Fisher / Geraldene Holt
  • Memory as a culinary skill and necessity / Philip Iddison
  • Remembrance of meals past : cooking by Apiciusʹ book / Cathy K. Kaufman
  • Diet of the Greeks : ʹgeneticʹ and recent memories / Sotiris Kitrilakis and Lidia Kitrilakis
  • Food as a vehicle for remembering : the case of the Thessalonikan Jews / Vasiliki Kravna
  • Notes on an eighteenth-century manuscript recipe book / Janet Laurence
  • Food history and the death of memory / Gerald Mars and Valerie Mars
  • Digest of memory : food, health and upbringing in early childhood / Stephen Massil
  • Damra bound : Indian echoes in Guyanese foodways / Gaitri Pagrach-Chandra
  • Scientific approach to flavours and olfactory memory / Marcia Levin Pelchat and Fritz Blank
  • Learning by mouth : edible aids to literacy / Gillian Riley
  • Food and forgetfulness at Socratic symposia / Luciana Romeri
  • Memory factor in American breakfast joints / Robert Rubright
  • Devouring the city / Alice Wooledge Salmon
  • From pharmacy to fast food : the evolution of teh Persian kitchen / Margaret Shaida
  • Slice of the moon / Sue Shephard
  • Bialy eaters : the story of a bread and a lost world / Mimi Sheraton
  • Passionate for the pasty : the Cornish pasty in Michiganʹs Upper Peninsula / Leslie Cory Shoemaker
  • False memories : the invention of culinary fakelore and food fallacies / Andrew F. Smith
  • Memories of a vanishing Eskimo cuisine / Zona Spray
  • Prisoners of the rising sun : food memories of American POWs in the Far East during World War II / Jan Thompson
  • Between their memories and mine : confit revisited / Rene?e Valeri
  • Velveeta chronicles : a food memoir / Phyllis Weaver
  • Memories of a time, plce and people where food nurtured intimate social community values : Thai street vendors, a vanishing human connection / Su-Mei Yu
  • Breakfast in memory / Sami Zubaida.