Table of Contents:
- Determinants of social exclusion among the young in Estonia, Germany, and the United Kingdom / Kairi Kasearu, Dagmar Kutsar, and Avo Trumm
- Poverty and unemployment of young Europeans from an intergenerational perspective / Wielislawa Warzywoda-Kruszynska, Magdalena Rek, and Ewa Rokicka
- Youth unemployment policy in Britain and Germany : a comparison of "third way" approaches / Jeremy Leaman
- Young Europeans and educational mobility / Rachel Brooks and Johanna Waters
- Events of hope and events of crisis : childhood, youth, and hope in Britain / Peter Kraftl
- Youth cultures as a way to tackle insecure transitions into adulthood / Barbara Stauber
- Online counselling : meeting the needs of young people in late-modern societies / Andreas Vossler and Terry Hanley
- Some insights into violent youth crime / Chris Lewis, Gavin Hales and Daniel Silverstone
- Youth citizenship and risk in UK social policy / Alan France, Liz Sutton, and Amanda Waring
- Leaving the parental home or staying on? : young people in Spain and the development of social capital / Andreu Lopez Blasco
- Youth culture and European integration in Germany : back to European basics? / Gudrun Quenzel and Mathias Albert
- "Europe totally out of my depth" : national and European citizenship among young people in Germany and England / Daniel Faas
- Political participation of youth : young Germans in the European context / Wolfgang Gaiser and Johann de Rijke
- Making a difference? : political participation of young people in the UK / Martha Worsching
- Renouncing violence or substituting for it? : the consequences of the institutionalisation of alleanza nazionale on the culture of young neo-fascist activists in Italy / Stephanie Dechezelles.