Item Description: | Συσταχωμένο με: Greece-and tomorrow / by Z.D. Ferriman;edited by Carrol N. Brown.-New York:American-Hellenic society, 1918.-59 σ.;21 εκ. -- Persecutions of the Greeks in Turkey since the beginning of the european war / translated by Carroll N. Brown and Theodore P. Ion.-New York:American-Hellenic society, 1918.-xv, 72 σ.;21 εκ. -- Hellenism in Asia Minor / by Karl Dieterich;translated by Carroll N. Brown.-New York:American-Hellenic society, 1918.-71 σ.;21 εκ. -- [Diplomatic documents, 1913-1917, issued by the Greek government concerning the Greco-Serbian treaty of alliance and the Germano-Bulgarian invasion into Macedonia].-[New York]:[χ.ο.], [1918].-xv, 109 σ.;21 εκ.-(Χωρίς σελίδα τίτλου). -- |