Integrated design analysis and optimisation of aircraft structures= L'Analyse pour la conception integree et l'optimisation des structures d'aeronefs

Corporate Authors: North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Bath, England) (Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development., Structures and Materials Panel., Meeting), North Atlantic Treaty Organization Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development, North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development., Structures and Materials Panel
Format: Book
Published: Neuilly-sur-Seine, France: Advisory Group for Aerospace Research & Development, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1992
Series:AGARD report 784
Item Description:"Papers presented at the 72nd Meeting of the AGARD Structures and Materials Panel, held in Bath, United Kingdom 29th April-3rd May 1991."
Physical Description:1 τ. (ποικίλες σελιδαριθμήσεις) : εικ. ; 30 εκ.
Bibliography:Περιέχει βιβλιογραφικές παραπομπές