Special course on engineering methods in aerodynamic analysis and design of aircraft= les methodes d'ingenierie employee lors de l'analyse et de la conception des aeronefs

Corporate Authors: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development, North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development
Format: Book
Published: Neuilly Sur Seine, France: AGARD, 1992
Series:AGARD report 783
Item Description:"Presented as an AGARD Special Course at the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 6th-10th May 1991, at the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium 13th-17th May 1991 and at the Universitad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain 20th-24th May 1991
Physical Description:1 τ. (ποικίλες σελιδαριθμήσεις) : εικ. ; 30 εκ.
Bibliography:Περιέχει βιβλιογραφικές παραπομπές