ASRDI oxygen technology survey

Corporate Authors: United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration Scientific and Technical Information Office, United States. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland., Aerospace Safety Research and Data Institute
Format: Book
Published: Washington: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1972-
Series:NASA SP -3071-3073, 3076-3077, 3083-3084, 3090, 3092
Table of Contents:
  • τ. 1. Thermophysical properties / H.M. Roder and L.A. Weber
  • τ. 2. Cleaning requirements, procedures, and verification techniques / Η. Bankaitis and C.F. Schueller
  • τ. 3. Heat transfer and fluid dynamics
  • abstracts of selected technical reports and publications / A.F. Schmidt
  • τ. 4. Low temperature measurement / L.L. Sparks
  • τ. 5. Density and liquid level measurement instrumentation for the cryogenic fluids oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen / H.M. Roder
  • τ. 6. Flow measurement instrumentation / D.B. Mann
  • τ. 7. Characteristics of metals that influence system safety / J.J., Jr. Pelouch
  • τ. 8. Pressure measurement / J.M. Arvidson and J.A. Brennan
  • τ. 9. Oxygen Systems engineering review / H.W. Schmidt and D.E. Forney