Democracy /

Other Authors: Haugen, David M.,, Musser, Susan
Format: Book
Published: Detroit, MI : Greenhaven Press, c2012.
Table of Contents:
  • What is the state of democracy worldwide? Countries around the world are striving to establish working democracies / Anwar Ibrahim
  • Countries around the world are failing to establish working democracies / The Economist
  • Free markets foster democracies / Michael Mandelbaum
  • Free markets threaten democracy / Robert B. Reich
  • The Internet has advanced democratic causes / Clay Shirky
  • The Internet has not advanced democratic causes / Hiawatha Bray
  • Can there be democracy in the Middle East? Western democracy will never take hold in the Middle East / Michael Scheuer
  • Islam remains a barrier to democracy in the Middle East / Whitson G. Waldo III
  • The Muslim Brotherhood is a threat to democratic change in Egypt / James Phillips
  • The Muslim Brotherhood is not a threat to democratic change in Egypt / David M. Faris and Stacey Philbrick Yadav
  • The Muslim Brotherhood's role in democratic change in Egypt remains unclear / Maajid Nawaz
  • Israel is the only true democracy in the Middle East / Jacob Dayan
  • Israel is not an example of democracy in the Middle East / Josh Ruebner
  • What should be done to improve US democracy? American democracy is broken / Eric Alterman
  • American democracy is not broken / T. A. Barnhart
  • To improve US democracy, low-income workers should share the income tax burden / Mary Kate Cary
  • To improve US democracy, end tax cuts for the richest Americans / Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson
  • To improve US democracy, make the tax code more transparent / Charles Murray
  • Corporate funding of political ads will hinder the democratic election process / Ronald Dworkin
  • Corporate funding of political ads will not hinder the democratic election process / Hans A. von Spakovsky
  • Should the United States foster democracy worldwide? Promoting democracy worldwide increases US national security / Shadi Hamid and Steven Brooke
  • Promoting democracy worldwide does not increase US national security / Michael S. Rozeff
  • The United States should promote true democracy in the Middle East / Eric Margolis
  • Promoting democracy in the Middle East should benefit US interests / Mortimer B. Zuckerman
  • A league of democracies would benefit the world and advance democracy / James M. Lindsay
  • A league of democracies would not benefit the world nor spread democracy / Charles A. Kupchan.