Handbook of social psychology /

Other Authors: Fiske, Susan T., Gilbert, Daniel Todd, Lindzey, Gardner
Format: Book
Published: Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, [2010]
Table of Contents:
  • Volume 1. 1. History of social psychology : insights, challenges, and contributions to theory and application / Lee Ross, Mark Lepper, Andrew Ward
  • 2. The art of laboratory experimentation / Timothy D. Wilson, Elliot Aronson, Kevin Carlsmith
  • 3. Social psychological methods outside the laboratory / Harry T. Reis, Samuel D. Gosling
  • 4. Data analysis in social psychology : recent and recurring issues / Charles M. Judd, David A. Kenny
  • 5. Social cognitive neuroscience / Matthew D. Lieberman
  • 6. Social psychophysiology and embodiment / Jim Blascovich, Wendy Berry Mendes
  • 7. Automaticity and the unconscious / Ap Dijksterhuis
  • 8. Motivation / John A. Bargh, Peter M. Gollwitzer, Gabriele Oettingen
  • 9. Emotion / Dacher Keltner, Jennifer S. Lerner
  • 10. Attitudes / Mahzarin R. Banaji, Larisa Heiphetz
  • 11. Attitudes and persuasion : from biology to social responses to persuasive intent / Dolores Albarracín, Patrick Vargas
  • 12. Perceiving people / C. Neil Macrae, Susanne Quadflieg
  • 13. Nonverbal behavior / Nalini Ambady, Max Weisbuch
  • 14. Mind perception / Nicholas Epley, Adam Waytz
  • 15. Judgment and decision making / Thomas D. Gilovich, Dale W. Griffin
  • 16. Self and identity / William B. Swann, Jr., Jennifer K. Bosson
  • 17. Gender / Wendy Wood, Alice H. Eagly
  • 18. Personality in social psychology / David C. Funder, Lisa A. Fast
  • 19. Health / Shelley E. Taylor
  • 20. Experimental existential psychology : coping with the facts of life / Tom Pyszczynski ... [et al.]
  • Volume 2. 21. Evolutionary social psychology / Steven L. Neuberg, Douglas T. Kenrick, Mark Schaller
  • 22. Morality / Jonathan Haidt, Selin Kesebir
  • 23. Aggression / Brad J. Bushman, L. Rowell Huesmann
  • 24. Affiliation, acceptance, and belonging : the pursuit of interpersonal connection / Mark R. Leary
  • 25. Close relationships / Margaret S. Clark, Edward P. Lemay, Jr.
  • 26. Interpersonal stratification : status, power, and subordination / Susan T. Fiske
  • 27. Social conflict : the emergence and consequences of struggle and negotiation / Carsten K.W. De Dreu
  • 28. Intergroup relations / Vincent Yzerbyt, Stéphanie Demoulin
  • 29. Intergroup bias / John F. Dovidio, Samuel L. Gaertner
  • 30. Social justice : history, theory, and research / John T. Jost, Aaron C. Kay
  • 31. Influence and leadership / Michael A. Hogg
  • 32. Group behavior and performance / J. Richard Hackman, Nancy Katz
  • 33. Organizational preferences and their consequences / Deborah H. Gruenfeld, Larissa Z. Tiedens
  • 34. The psychological underpinnings of political behavior / Jon A. Krosnick, Penny S. Visser, Joshua Harder
  • 35. Social psychology and law / Margaret Bull Kovera, Eugene Borgida
  • 36. Social psychology and languae : words,utterances, and conversations / Thomas Holtgbraves
  • 37. Cultural psychology / Steven J. Heine.