The Cambridge handbook of psychology and economic behaviour /

Other Authors: Lewis, Alan,
Format: Book
Published: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Table of Contents:
  • Pt. I. Introduction, theory and method
  • 1. Introduction / Alan Lewis
  • 2. Theory and method in economics and psychology / Denis Hilton
  • Pt. II. Finance
  • 3. economic psychology of the stock market / Karl-Erik Warneryd
  • 4. Stock prices: insights from behavioral finance / Werner F. M. De Bondt
  • 5. Inter-temporal choice and self-control: saving and borrowing / Paul Webley and Ellen K. Nyhus
  • 6. Financial decisions in the household / Carole Burgoyne and Erich Kirchler
  • 7. Corporate social responsibility: the case of long-term and responsible investment / Danyelle Guyatt
  • Pt. III. Consumer behaviour in the private sector
  • 8. Consumption and identity / Russell Belk
  • 9. Wealth, consumption and happiness / Aaron Ahuvia
  • 10. Comparing models of consumer behaviour / Gerrit Antonides
  • Pt. IV. Consumer behaviour in the public sector
  • 11. Lay perceptions of government economic activity / Simon Kemp
  • 12. How big should government be? / John G. Cullis and Philip R. Jones
  • 13. Integrating explanations of tax evasion and avoidance / Valerie Braithwaite and Michael Wenzel
  • Pt. V. Environment
  • 14. Sustainable consumption and lifestyle change / Tim Jackson
  • 15. Environmentally significant behavior in the home / Paul C. Stern
  • 16. Economic and psychological determinants of car ownership and use / Tommy Gliding and Peter Loukopoulos
  • 17. Environmental morale and motivation / Bruno S. Frey and Alois Stutzer
  • 18. Contingent valuation as a research method: environmental values and human behaviour / Clive L. Spash
  • Pt. VI. Biological perspectives
  • 19. Neuroeconomics: what neuroscience can learn from economics / Terry Lohrenz and P. Read Montague
  • 20. Evolutionary economics and psychology / Ulrich Witt
  • 21. Evolutionary psychology and economic psychology / Stephen E. G. Lea.