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|a Foreword : Jethro Tull slept here -- Preface : welcome to the future -- Prologue : is that a bustle in your hedgerow?, or, are you just pleased to see me? -- 1. Lenny Kravitz for president, or, piss off, sonny, and take your vapid whining with you -- 2. Selling postcards of the hanging, or, this is the end, distended friend -- 3. The Titanic sails at dawn, or, more than more than a feeling -- 4. Queen for a day, or, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the fandango? -- 5. Can you hear me, Cleveland?, or, four ants cavorting on a stage seven miles away -- 6. Fat and forty-plus, or, had your Phil of Collins yet? -- 7. Basically, it's about the essential futility of life as seen through the eyes of a man who thought he had everything, or, Tommy, it'll tear your will to live apart -- 8. Clapton's still God, or, would she still look so wonderful if she'd just burned your dinner? -- 9. Weird scenes inside the tar pit, or, I've got eight tracks to hold you -- 10. Hot rocking tonight, or, I know, let's make it a double album -- 11. The curse of pepper, or, the worst record you've ever sworn was genius -- 12. Grunge is gonna change the world, and jam bands will save us from ourselves, or, Papa's got a brand new shitbag -- 13. Neil's still young, are you?, or, hang him in the hall of fame (it's okay, the feet will stop kicking in a moment) -- 14. Welcome back my friends to the show that seriously goes on forever, or, don't forget to check your sell-by date -- 15. Charity begins at someone else's home, or, one more push and I think we'll break the Ethiopian market wide open -- 16. A glimmer of hope, or, let it rut -- 17. Welcome to the machine, or, thank Christ for the bomb -- Epilogue. Lennon : the final comeback -- Appendix one. The classic rock manifesto : she gets the blokes because she smokes -- Appendix two : the top 100 classic rock songs, 1968-1976.