Emotions in social psychology : essential readings /

Other Authors: Parrott, W. Gerrod.
Format: Book
Published: Philadelphia, PA : Psychology Press, c2001.
Table of Contents:
  • 1. Emotion knowledge : further exploration of a prototype approach / Phillip Shaver, Judith Schwartz, Donald Kirson and Cary O'Connor
  • 2. The laws of emotion / Nico H. Frijda
  • 3. Cognitive, social, and psychological determinants of emotional state / Stanley Schachter and Jerome E. Singer
  • 4. Appraisal components, core relational themes, and the emotions / Craig A. Smith and Richard S. Lazarus
  • 5. The cultural construction of self and emotion : implications for social behavior / Hazel Rose Markus and Shinobu Kitayama
  • 6. Sex differences in jealousy : evolution, physiology, and psychology / David M. Buss, Randy J. Larsen, Drew Westen and Jennifer Semmelroth
  • 7. Evolutionary origins of sex differences in jealousy? : questioning the "fitness" of the model / David A. DeSteno and Peter Salovey
  • 8. The gender heuristic and the database : factors affecting the perception of gender-related differences in the experence and display of emotions / Michael D. Robinson, Joel T. Johnson and Stephanie A. Shields
  • 9. Social functions of emotions at four levels of analysis / Dacher Kelther and Jonathan Haidt
  • 10. Emotional intelligence and the self-regulation of affect / Peter Salovey, Christopher K. Hsee and John D. Mayer
  • 11. Mood effects on person-perception judgments / Joseph P. Forgas and Gordon H. Bower
  • 12. Mood and persuasion : a cognitive response analysis / Herbert Bless, Gerd Bohner, Norbert Schwarz and Fritz Strack
  • 13. Depression and the response of others / James C. Coyne
  • 14. Exposure to the social sharing of emotion : emotional impact, listener responses and secondary social sharing / Véronique Christophe and Bernard Rimé
  • 15. Facial signs of emotional experience / Paul Ekman, Wallace V. Friesen and Sonia Ancoli
  • 16. Sociality of solitary smiling : potentiation by an implicit audience / Alan J. Fridlund
  • 17. Shamed into anger? : the relation of shame and guilt to anger and self-reported aggression / June Price Tangney, Patricia Wagner, Carey Fletcher and Richard Gramzow
  • 18. Interpersonal aspects of guilt : evidence from narrative studies / Roy E. Baumeister, Arlene M. Stillwell and Todd E. Heatherton
  • 19. The emotional experiences of envy and jealousy / W. Gerrod Parrott
  • 20. On the formation and regulation of anger and aggression : a cognitive-neoassociationistic analysis / Leonard Berkowitz
  • 21. Studies on anger and aggression : implications for theories of emotion / James R. Averill
  • Appendix : how to read a journal article in social psychology / Christian H. Jordan andMark P. Zanna.