The European Union and the public sphere : a communicative space in the making? /

Other Authors: Fossum, John Erik., Schlesinger, Philip,
Format: Book
Published: London : Routledge, 2007.
Table of Contents:
  • The European Union and the public sphere : a communicative space in the making? / John Erik Fossum and Philip Schlesinger
  • Conceptualizing European public spheres : general, segmented, and strong publics / Erik Oddvar Eriksen
  • The public sphere and European democracy : mechanisms of democratization in the transnational situation / Klaus Eder
  • A fragile cosmopolitanism : on the unresolved ambiguities of the European public sphere / Philip Schlesinger
  • "Quo vadis Europe?" : quality newspapers struggling for European unity / Hans-Jorg Trenz
  • Political communication, European integration, and the transformation of national public spheres : a comparison of Britain and France / Paul Statham
  • The European void : the democratic deficit as a cultural deficiency / Abram de Swaan
  • Political integration in Europe and the need for a common political language / Lars Chr. Blichner
  • EU enlargement, identity, and the public sphere / Maria Heller and Ágnes Rényi
  • Religion and the European public sphere / Francois Foret and Philip Schlesinger
  • The public sphere in European constitution-making / John Erik Fossum and Hans-Jorg Trenz
  • European commissioners and the prospects of a European public sphere : information, representation, and legitimacy / Andy Smith
  • Transparency, audiences, and the evolving role of the EU Council of Ministers / Deirdre Curtin
  • Transnationalising the public sphere? : the European parliament, promises, and anticipations / Ulrike Liebert
  • Conclusion / Philip Schlesinger and John Erik Fossum.