Table of Contents:
  • Democratic subjects in the American sixties : national politics, cultural authenticity, and community interest / David Farber
  • We are an action group : the John Birch Society and the conservative movement in the 1960s / Jonathan M. Schoenwald
  • "Extremism in the defense of liberty" : the Minutemen and the radical right / Evelyn A. Schlatter
  • Moral mothers and Goldwater girls / Michelle Nickerson
  • Winning the war, losing the battle : the Goldwater presidential campaign and its effects on the evolution of modern conservatism / Mary C. Brennan
  • Cowboy conservatism / Jeff Roche
  • "A great white light" : the political emergence of Ronald Reagan / Kurt Schuparra
  • Conservatism reconsidered : Phyllis Schlafly and grassroots conservatism / Donald T. Critchlow
  • Below-the-belt politics : protestant evangelicals, abortion, and the foundation of the new religious right, 1960-75 / Scott Flipse
  • The politics of "law and order" / Michael W. Flamm.