Table of Contents:
- Ten propositions about equality and democracy / Edward Broadbent
- Understanding the universal welfare state: an institutional approach / Bo Rothstein
- The party's over: what now? / John Richards
- Why not socialism? / G.A. Cohen
- Welfare states and democratic citizenship / Dietrich Rueschemeyer
- Equality, community, and sustainability / Ian Angus
- Rethinking equality and equity: Canadian children and the social union / Jane Jenson
- How growing income inequality affects us all / Armine Yalnizyan
- American style welfare reform: inequality in the Clinton era / Barbara Ehrenreich
- Equality and welfare reform in Blair's Britain / Ruth Lister
- News media and civic equality: watch dogs, mad dogs, or lap dogs? / Robert A. Hackett
- Growing inequality: what the world thinks / Daniel Savas
- The economic consequences of financial inequality / Jim Stanford.