The British idealists /

Other Authors: Boucher, David.
Format: Book
Published: Cambridge, Eng. ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Table of Contents:
  • Evolution and society. 1. The Social Organism (1883) / Henry Jones. 2.Man's Place in the Cosmos / Andrew Seth (Pringle-Pattison)
  • ProfessorHuxley on Nature and Man (1893 and 1897). 3. Socialism and NaturalSelection (1895) / Bernard Bosanquet. 4. Ethical Democracy: Evolutionand Democracy (1900) / D. G. Ritchie
  • Individualism, collectivism andthe general will. 5. Ideal Morality (1876; revised 1927) / F. H.Bradley. 6. The Reality of the General Will (1895) / Bernard Bosanquet.7. The Rights of Minorities (1891 and 1893) / D. G. Ritchie. 8. TheDangers of Democracy (1906) / J. S. Mackenzie. 9. Individualism andSocialism (1897) / Edward Caird. 10. The Coming of Socialism (1910) /Henry Jones
  • The State and international relations. 11. The Right ofthe State Over the Individual in War (1886) / T. H. Green. 12. WhatImperialism Means (1900) / J. H. Muirhead. 13. German Philosophy inrelation to the War (1916) / John Watson.