The United Nations and changing world politics /

Main Author: Weiss, Thomas George
Other Authors: Forsythe, David P.,, Coate, Roger A.
Format: Book
Published: Boulder, Colorado : Westview Press, 1994.
Table of Contents:
  • 1. The Theory of UN Collective Security
  • 2. The Reality of UNSecurity Efforts During the Cold War
  • 3. UN Security Operations Afterthe Cold War
  • 4. Groping Toward the Twenty-first Century
  • 5. TheUnited Nations, Human Rights, and Humanitarian Affairs: The Theory
  • 6. The United Nations and Applying Human Rights Standards
  • 7. Change,the United Nations, and Human Rights
  • 8. Developmentalism and theUnited Nations
  • 9. Ecodevelopment and the United Nations
  • 10.Sustainable Development and the United Nations: Problems and Prospectsfor the 1990s
  • Conclusion: Learning from Change
  • Appendix A:Charter of the United Nations
  • Appendix B: The United Nations System.