The Cambridge ancient history

Format: Book
Published: Cambridge University Press 1988-
Edition:2nd ed.
Table of Contents:
  • ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΑ: τ.3α. The prehistory of the Balcans and the middle east and the Aegean world, tenth to eight centuries B.C. -τ.3β. The Assyrian and Babylonian empires and other states of the Near East, from the eighth to the sixth centuries B.C. -τ.3γ. The expansion of the Greek world, eight to sixth centuries B.C. -τ.4. Percia, Greece and the western Mediterranean c. 525-479 B.C. - τ.5. The fifth century B.C. - τ.7α. The Hellenistic world. -τ.6. The fourth century B.C. -τ.7β. The rise of Rome to220 B.C. -τ.8. Rome and the Mediterranean. -τ.10. The Augustan empire, 43 B.C.-A.D. 69