Sustainable horticulture : today and tomorrow /

Main Author: Poincelot, Raymond P., 1944-
Format: Book
Published: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c2004.
Table of Contents:
  • Herbs : Angelica - Anise - Basil - Borage - Burnet - Caraway - Catnip - Chamomile - Chervil - Chives - Coneflowers - Coriander - Cumin - Dill - Fennel - Fenugreek - Golden Seal - Horehound - Hyssop - Lavender - Lemon Balm - Lovage - Mint - Oregano - Rosemary - Sage - Sesame - Sorrel - Summer Savory - Sweet Bay - Sweet Cicely - Sweet Marjoram - Sweet Woodruff - Tarragon - Thyme.
  • Fruit and Nut Crops : Almonds - Apples - Apricots - Avocados - Bananas - Beechnuts - Blackberries - Blueberries - Brazil Nuts - Cashews - Cherries - Chestnuts - Citrus - Coconuts - Cranberries - Currants and Gooseberries - Dates - Elderberries - Feijoas - Figs - Filberts (Hazelnuts) - Grapes - Guavas - Hickory Nuts - Jujubes - Juneberries - Kiwifruits - Kumquats - Litchis - Macadamia Nuts - Mangos - Mulberries - Olives - Papayas - Passion Fruits - Paw Paws - Peaches and Nectarines - Peanuts - Pears - Pecans - Persimmons - Pineapples - Pistachios - Plums - Pomegranates - Quinces - Raspberries - Strawberries - Walnuts.