The Cambridge ancient history

Other Authors: Cook, Stanley Arthur
Format: Book
Published: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1924-1934
Table of Contents:
  • ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΑ: τ.1. Egypte and Babylonia to 1580 - τ.2. The Egyptian and Hittite Empires to 1000 b.C. - τ.3. The Assyrian Empire - τ.4. The Persian empire and the west.- τ.5 Athens.- τ. 6. Macedon, 401-301 B.C.- τ. 7. The Hellenistic monarchies and the rise of Rome.- τ.8. Rome and the Mediterranean, 218-133 B.C.- τ. 9. The Roman republic, 133-44 B.C.-τ.10 The Augustan empire, 44 B.C.-A.D. 70.- τ.11. The imperial peace, A.D. 70-192.- τ.12. The imperial crisis and recovery, A.D. 193-324