Table of Contents:
  • Part I. Embodied spaces
  • 1. Proxemics
  • 2. Being-in-the-Market versus being-in-the-plaza: material culture and the construction of social reality in Spanish America
  • 3. Excluded spaces: the figure in the Australian aboriginal landscape
  • 4. Indexical speech across Samoam communities
  • Part II. Gendered spaces
  • 5. The berber house
  • 6. The sweetness of home: class, culture and family life in Sweden
  • 7. The architecture of female seclusion in west Africa
  • Part III. Inscribed Spaces
  • 8.Emergence and convergence in some African sacred places
  • 9. Empowering place: multilocality and multivocality
  • 10. Open spaces and dwelling places: being at home on hill farms in the Scottish borders
  • Part IV. Contested spaces
  • 11. The language of sites in the politics of space
  • 12. Myth, space and virtue: bars, genders and change in Barcelonaʹs
  • 13. Black Corona: race and the politics of place in an urban community
  • Part V. Transnational Spaces
  • 14. Markets and places: Tokyo and the global tuna trade
  • 15. The song of the nonaligned world: Transnational identities and the reinscription of space in late Capitalism
  • 16. Sovereignty without territoriality: Notes for a postnational geography
  • Part VI. Spatial Tactics
  • 17. Ordonnance, discipline regulation: Some reflections on urbanism
  • 18. A place in history: social and monumental time in a Cretan town
  • 19. After authenticity at an American heritage site
  • 20. The edge and the Center: Gated communities and the discourse of urban fear
  • Index