Table of Contents:
  • 1. Bionformatics and the internet / Andreas D. Baxevanis
  • 2. The NCBI Data Model / James M. Ostell, Sarah J. Wheelan, and Jonathan A. Kans
  • 3. The Genbank Sequence Database / Ilene Karsch-Mizrachi and B. F. Francis Ouellette
  • 4. Submitting DNA Sequences to the Databases / Jonathan A. Kans and B. F. Francis Ouellette
  • 5. Structure Databases / Christopher W. V. Hogue
  • 6. Genomic Mapping and Mapping Databases / Peter S. White and Tara C. Matise
  • 7. Information Retrieval from Biological Databases / Andreas D. Baxevanis
  • 8. Sequence Alignment and Database Searching / Gregory D. Schuler
  • 9. Creation and Analysis of Protein Multiple Sequence Alignments / Geoffrey J. Barton
  • 10. Predictive Methods Using DNA Sequences / Andreas D. Baxevanis
  • 11. Predictive Methods Using Protein Sequences / Sharmila Banerjee-Basu and Andreas D. Baxevanis
  • 12. Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) / Tyra G. Wolfsberg and David Landsman
  • 13. Sequence Assembly and Finishing Methods / Rodger Staden, David P. Judge, and James K. Bonfield
  • 14. Phylogenetic Analysis / Fiona S. L. Brinkman and Detlef D. Leipe
  • 15. Comparative Genome Analysis / Michael Y. Galperin and Eugene V. Koonin
  • 16. Large-Scale Genome Analysis / Paul S. Meltzer
  • 17. Using Perl to Facilitate Biological Analysis / Lincoln D. Stein