Item Description: | Includes bibliographies. Contents: An elementary proof of the Conley-Zehnder theorem in symplectic geometry / M. Chaperon -- An 'a priori' estimate for oscillatory-equations / R. Dieckerhoff and E. Zehnder -- On the structure of germs of vector fields in R3 whose linear part generates rotations / F. Dumortier -- Fixed point results for symplectic maps related to the Arnold-conjecture / A. Floer and E. Zehnder -- Topological invariants as numbers of translations / J. Palis and R. Russarie -- Abelian integrals and global Hopf bifurcations / J.A. Sanders and R. Cushman -- On the numerical determination of the dimension of an attractor / F. Takens -- Global stability of generic two-parameter families of gradients on three-manifolds / G. Vegter. |