Table of Contents:
  • Kallistos, Ware Bishop of Diokleia St Athanasios the Athonite: traditionalist or innovator?
  • McGuckin, John A. Symeon the New Theologian (d.1022) and Byzantine monasticism
  • Morris, Rosemary The origins of Athos
  • Bakirtzis, Ch. Byzantine monasteries in Eastern Macedonia and Thrace (Synaxis, Mt Papikio, St John Prodromos Monastery)
  • Krausmueller, Dirk The Athonite monastic tradition during the eleventh and early twelfth centuries
  • Talbot, Alice-Mary Women and Mt Athos
  • Archimandrite Emphrem Lash Athos: a working community
  • Harvey, Alan The monastic economy and imperial patronage from the tenth to the twelfth centuries
  • Oikonomides, Nikolaos Patronage in Palaiologan Mt Athos
  • Mamaloukos, Stavros B. The buildings of Vatopedi and their patrons
  • Zachariadou, Elizabeth A. 'A safe and holy mountain': easily Ottoman Athos
  • Allison, Robert W. The libraries of Mt Athos: the case of Philotheou
  • Lingas, Alexander Hesychasm and psalmody
  • Burridge, Peter The architectural development of the Athonite monastery
  • Voyadjis, Sotiris The 'Tzimikes' tower of the Great Lavra Monastery
  • Theocharides, Ploutarchos Recent research into Athonite monastic architecture, tenth-sixteenth centuries
  • Schiemenz, Guenter Paulus The painted psalms of Athos
  • Martin-Hisard, Bernadette L'Athos, l'Orient et le Caucase au XIe siecle
  • Candea, Virgil L'Athos et les Roumains
  • Kitromilides, Paschalis M. Athos and the Enlightment