Table of Contents:
  • Contents; In Lieu of a Preface; Key to Frequently Cited Works; Questions; 1 Plato; 2 Aristotle; Interlude: Kant and Schelling; Appendix A: The Earliest System-Program of German Idealism (1796); Appendix B: Tenth Letter on Dogmatism and Criticism; 3 Hegel; 4 Hölderlin; Appendix C: Letter to Böhlendorff; Appendix D: Letter to Brother; Appendix E: In lovely blueness . . .Ž; Appendix F: Empedocles; Appendix G: The Death of Empedocles; 5 Nietzsche; 6 Heidegger; Appendix H: Heidegger's Translation of the Choral Ode from Antigone (1935).
  • Appendix I: Hölderlin's Translation of the Choral Ode from Antigone (1804)Convictions and Suspicions; Notes; Bibliography; Index; About the Author.