Table of Contents:
  • The Spenser Psalter: A Thirteenth-Century Byzantine Manuscript in the New York Public Library Cahiers Archeologiques XXIII
  • The Psalter Benaki 34.3: An Unpublished Illuminated Manuscript from the Family 2400 in collaboration with Annemarie Weyl Carr. Revue des Etudes Byzantines XXXIV, Paris, 1976
  • The Psalter of Basil II. Arte Veneta XXX pp. 9-19/XXXI pp. 9-15. Venice, 1976/1977
  • The Marginal Psalter in the Walters Art Gallery: A Reconsideeration. The Journal of the Walters Art Gallery vol. XXXV. Baltimore, Md. 1977
  • A Psalter from Mar Sada and the Evolution of the Byzantine David Cycle. Journal of Jewish Art Vi. Jerusalem, 1978
  • Liturgical Strata in the Marginal Psalters. Dumbarton Oaks Papers XXXIV-XXXV. Washigton, D.C., 1980-1981
  • The Third Anointment of David: A Unicum and its Origins in Byzantine Iconography. Ars Auro Prior. Studia Ioanni Bialostocki Sexagenario dicata. Warsaw: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1981
  • The Dumbarton Oaks Psalter and New Testament. The Iconography of the Moscow Leaf. Dumbarton Oaks Papers XXXVII. Washington, D.C., 1983
  • The Mythological Bowl in the Treasury of San Marco at Venice. Near Eastern Nusmimatics, Iconography, Epigraphy and History. Studies in Honor of George C. Miles, ed. Dickran K. Kouymjian. Beirut: American University of Beirut, 1974
  • Some Precisions on the Lincoln College Typikon in collaboration with Paul Magdalino. Cahiers Archeologiques XXVII. Paris, 1978
  • Art in Byzantine Society: Motive Forces of Byzantine Patronage. Jahrbuch der Osterreichischen Byzantinistik XXXI. Vienna, 1981
  • The Social Status of Byzantine Scribes, 800-1500. A statistical analysis based on Vogel-Gardthausen. Byzantinische Zeitschrift LXXIV. Munich, 1981