Viewing Greece : cultural and political agency in the Medieval and Early Modern Mediterranean /

Other Authors: Gerstel, Sharon E. J.,
Format: Book
Series:Studies in the visual cultures of the Middle Ages ; vol. 11
Item Description:"The exhibition 'Heaven and Earth: Art of Byzantium from Greek Collections' was held at the national Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. from October 3, 2013-March 2, 2014 and at the J. Paul Getty Museum from April 9-August 25, 2014. While the exhibition was traveling in the United States, a third venue was added -- the Art Institute in Chicago -- where a smaller number of objects was displayed from September 27, 2014-May 10, 2015"--Introduction.
Physical Description:364 σελίδες : έγχρωμη εικονογράφηση ; 28 εκ.
Bibliography:Περιλαμβάνει βιβλιογραφικές παραπομπές (σελίδες 305-[350]) και ευρετήριο.