Inscriptiones graecae Aegypti

Format: Book
Published: Chicago: Ares, 1976-
Table of Contents:
  • V. 1. Milne, J. G. Inscriptiones nunc Cairo in museo: catalogue ge?ne?ral des antiquite?s e?gyptiennes du Muse?e du Caire, nos. 9201-9400, 26001-26123, 33001-33037 Greek inscriptions
  • v. 2. Breccia, Evaristo. Inscriptiones nunc Alexandriae in museo: catalogue ge?ne?ral des antiquite?s e?gyptiennes Musee dʹAlexandrie: Nos. 1-568 Greek and Latin inscriptions
  • v. 3.Pedrizet, Paul and Lefebvre, Gustave. Inscriptiones ʹMemnoniiʹ sive besae oraculi ad abydum thebaides: Les graffites grecs du memnonion dʹyabydos: Nos. 1-658
  • v. 4.Spiegelberg, Wilhelm. Inscriptiones nominum graecorum et aegyptiacorum aetatis romanae incisae sive scriptae in tabellis. "Mummy Labels.": Aegyptische und Griechische eigennamen aus mumienetiketten der roemischen kaiserzeit
  • v. 5. Lefebvre, Gustave. Inscriptiones Christianae aegypti: Recueils des inscriptions grecques-chretiennes dʹEgypte