Religion, literature, and politics in post-Reformation England, 1540-1688/

Other Authors: Hamilton, Donna B, Strier, Richard
Format: Book
Published: Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996
Table of Contents:
  • Sir John Oldcastle as symbol of Reformation historiography / Annabel Patterson
  • The "sacred hunger of ambitious minds" : Spenser's savage religion / Andrew Hadfield
  • Subversive fathers and suffering subjects : Shakespeare and Christianity / Debora K. Shuger
  • Kneeling and the body politic / Lori Anne Ferrell
  • Donne and the politics of devotion / Richard Strier
  • Catholic, Anglican or puritan? Edward Sackville, fourth Earl of Dorset, and the ambiguities of religion in early Stuart England / David L. Smith
  • Crucifixion or apocalypse? Refiguring the Eikon Basilike / Laura Blair McKnight
  • Marvell, sacrilege, and Protestant historigraphy : contextualizing "Upon Appleton House" / Gary D. Hamilton
  • Entering The temple : women, reading, and devotion in seventeenth-century England / Helen Wilcox
  • Contextualizing Dryden's Absalom : William Lawrence, the laws of marriage, and the case for King Monmouth / Mark Goldie
  • Reformation in the Restoration Crisis, 1679-1682 / Gary S. De Krey
  • Shadwell's dramatic trimming / Steven Pincus.