Table of Contents:
  • Forsen , Bjorn and Stanton , G.R. Introduction and acknowledgements
  • Thompson , Homer A. Greetings to the colloquium
  • Calligas , P.G. Archaeological research on the Athenian Pnyx
  • Stanton , G.R. The shape and size of the Athenian Assemply place in its second phase
  • Hansen , Mogens Herman Reflections on the number of citizens accommodated in the Assembly place on the Pnyx
  • Rotroff , Susan I. Pnyx III : Pottery and stratigraphy
  • McK. Camp II , John The form of Pnyx III
  • Forsen , Bjorn The sanctuary of Zeus Hypsistos and the date and construction of Pnyx III
  • Dominguez , Adolfo J. Assembly places and theatres in the greek world and their later reuse for the religious functions
  • Romano David Gilman Lykourgos , the Panathenaia and the great altar of Athena : further thoughts concerning the Pnyx hill
  • Karlsson , Lars The city walls on the Pnyx put into context
  • Conwell , David H. The White Poros wall on the Athenian Pnyx : character and context
  • Peppas Delmousou , Dina The Pnyx and the Mouseion hill inscriptions reconsidered