Table of Contents:
  • Form and purpose in Aramaic spells: some Jewish themes (the poetics of magic texts) / Shaul Shaked
  • Incantations in southern Mesopotamia
  • from clay tablets to magical bowls (thoughts on the decline of the Babylonian culture) / Joachim Oelsner
  • Tablets and magical bowls / Markham J. Geller
  • Lunar and snake omens among the Zoroastrians / Antonio Panaino
  • What is a magical text? Methodological reflections aimed at redefining early Jewish magic / Yuval Harari
  • Drawing and writing: a fourth-century magical spell from Oxyrhynchus / Hagit Amirav
  • (Re)interpreting magical gems, ancient and modern / Simone Michel
  • Jewish mysticism in the Geonic period: the prayer of Rav Hamnuna Sava / Klaus Herrmann
  • Some observations on the diffusion of Jewish magical texts from late antiquity and the early middle ages in manuscripts from the Cairo Genizah and Ashkenaz / Reimund Leicht
  • Understanding ritual in Jewish magic: perspectives from the Genizah and related sources / Michael D. Swartz
  • "Watermarks" in the MS Munich, Hebr. 95: magical recipes in historical context / Giuseppe Veltri
  • The unwritten chapter: notes towards a social and religious history of Geniza magic / Steven Wasserstrom
  • Magic and human reason / Marcel Sigrist.