Table of Contents:
  • Peccatum linguae and the punishment of speech violations in the middle ages and early modern times / Bettina Lindorfer
  • He conquered al the regne of femenye : what Chaucer's Knight doesn't tell about Theseus / Laurel Broughton
  • Gender conflicts, miscommunication, and communicative communities in the late middle ages : the evidence of fifteenth-century German verse narratives / Albrecht Classen
  • With a silver spoon in his mouth? : Wolfram's courtly contestants / Jean E. Godsall-Myers
  • Negotiating the present : language and trouthe in the Franklin's tale / Andrea Schutz
  • Bilingualism and betrayal in Chaucer's Summoner's tale / Tom Shipley
  • The discourse of characterization in Jehan et Blonde / Carol Harvey
  • Ways of using abusive language in La celestina / Lourdes Albuixech.