Table of Contents:
  • Introduction: misandry in popular culture
  • Laughing at men: the last of Vaudeville
  • Looking down on men: separate but unequal
  • Bypassing men: women alone together
  • Blaming men: a history of their own
  • Dehumanizing men: from bad boys to beasts
  • Demonizing men: the devil is a man
  • Making the world safe for ideology: the roots of misandry
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix 1: quasi-misandric movies
  • Appendix 2: the misandric week on television
  • Appendix 3: misandric movie genres
  • Appendix 4: populist or elitist: talk shows in the context of democracy
  • Appendix 5: deconstructionists and Jacques Derrida, founding hero
  • Appendix 6: film theory and ideological feminism
  • Appendix 7: into the twenty-first century.