Table of Contents:
  • Introduction: Worlds overseas.
  • Intrusion and empire. Hernán Cortés and Christopher Newton ; Motives and methods.
  • Occupying American space. Symbolic occupation ; Physical occupation ; Peopling the land.
  • Confronting American peoples. A mosaic of peoples ; Christianity and civility ; Coexistence and segregation.
  • Exploring American resources. Plunder and 'improvement' ; Labor supply ; Transatlantic economies.
  • Crown and colonists. The framework of empire ; Authority and resistance.
  • The ordering of society. Hierarchy and control ; Social antagonism and emerging elites.
  • America as sacred space. God's providential design ; The church and society ; A plurality of creeds.
  • Empire and identity. Transatlantic communities ; Creole communities ; Cultural communities.
  • Societies on the move. Expanding populations ; Moving frontiers ; Slave and free.
  • War and reform. The Seven Years War and imperial defence ; The drive for reform ; Redefining imperial relationships.
  • Empires in crisis. Ideas in ferment ; A community divided ; A crisis contained.
  • A new world in the making. The search for legitimacy ; The end of empire ; The emancipation of America ; Contrasting experiences.