Table of Contents:
  • Introduction: New developments in Paleoindian subsistence studies / Renee B. Walker and Boyce N. Driskell
  • Quacks in the ice : waterfowl, Paleoindians, and the discovery of America / Stuart J. Fiedel
  • Faunal extinction, hunter-gatherer foraging strategies, and subsistence diversity among eastern Beringian Paleoindians / David R. Yesner
  • Are Paleoindians of the Great Plains and Rockies subsistence specialists? / Marcel Kornfeld
  • Discerning clovis subsistence from stone artifacts and site distributions on the southern Plains periphery / Michael B. Collins
  • Late Paleoindian subsistence strategies in the western Great Lakes region : evidence for generalized foraging from northern Wisconsin / Steven R. Kuehn
  • Hunting in the late Paleoindian period : faunal remains from Dust Cave, Alabama / Renee B. Walker
  • Seed collecting and fishing at the Shawnee Minisink Paleoindian site : everyday life in the late Pleistocene / Richard J. Dent
  • Gathering in the late Paleoindian period : archaeobotanical remains from Dust Cave, Alabama / Kandace D. Hollenbach
  • Revising the paleoindian environmental picture in northeastern North America / Lucinda McWeeney
  • Early Floridians and late megamammals : some technological and dietary evidence from four north Florida Paleoindian sites / James S. Dunbar and Pamela K. Vojnovski
  • Ethnography, analogy, and the reconstruction of Paleoindian lifeways / Asa R. Randall and Kandace D. Hollenbach
  • Making sense of Paleoindian subsistence strategies / Boyce N. Driskell and Renee B. Walker.