Table of Contents:
  • What is brain injury case management? / Jo Clark-Wilson
  • What is brain injury? Key facts about the initial stages of recovery / Pippa Griffiths
  • Goodbye to the old, hello to the new
  • what is it like to survive a brain injury? / Jackie Dean and Jackie Parker
  • Brain injury and the family / Jean Booth
  • The role of the case manager in personal injury litigation / Neil Whiteley and Jane Wright
  • The role of the case manager in risk assessment / Rita Greaves and Jill Harris
  • The role of the case manager in supporting the brain injured person during transition / Ella Cornforth and Carol Varley
  • Rehabilitation, case management and community reintegration / Catherine Johnson.
  • Recruitment of brain injury support workers / Lucy Gunn and Ivan Neary
  • Super support worker: the role of the support worker in community packages / Rita Greaves, Ivan Neary, and Jane Warren
  • Support worker training: an example training package
  • 'supporting an individual with an acquired brain injury' / Jayne Brake and Lucy Gunn
  • 24-hour support packages / Caroline Ferber
  • Support plans and maintenance manuals / Jayne Brake and Jill Harris.