Table of Contents:
  • Issues and movements. The political ecology of paradise / Sherrie L. Baver and Barbara Deutsch Lynch
  • Environmental movements in the Caribbean / Francine Jácome
  • The political ecology of sun and sand. Paradise sold, paradise lost : Jamaica's environment and culture in the tourism marketplace / Marian A.L. Miller
  • Historical contentions and future trends in the coastal zones : the environmental movement in Puerto Rico / Manuel Valdés Pizzini
  • The struggle for sustainable tourism in Martinique / Maurice Burac
  • Behind the beach : productive landscapes and environmental change. Puerto Rico : economic and environmental overview / Neftali García-Martinez [and others]
  • Seeking agricultural sustainability : Cuban and Dominican strategies / Barbara Deutsch Lynch
  • "Ni una bomba mas :" reframing the Vieques struggle / Katherine T. McCaffrey and Sherrie Baver
  • Risky environments and the Caribbean diaspora. Environmental justice for Puerto Ricans in the northeast : a participant-observer's assessment / Ricardo Soto-Lopez
  • Environmental risk and childhood disease in an urban working-class Caribbean neighborhood / Lorraine C. Minnite and Immanuel Ness
  • Conclusion : toward a Creole envrionmentalism / Barbara Deutsch Lynch.