Table of Contents:
  • Introduction : Nature's next exit? or Why New Jersey is as important as Yellowstone National Park / Neil M. Maher
  • A natural history of the life and death of a great American city : Atlantic City, New Jersey, 1850-2000 / Bryant Simon
  • Solid waste management in "The garbage state" : New Jersey's transformation from landfilling to incineration / Eileen McGurty
  • Oysters, public trust, and the law in New Jersey / Bonnie J. McCay
  • Citizen expertise and citizen action in the creation of the Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act / Heather Fenyk and David H. Guston
  • The free fishing controversy of Sussex County, New Jersey / Robert W. Reynolds
  • Tracking New Jersey's changing landscape / Richard Lathrop and John Hasse
  • Evaluating the effects of historical land cover change on summertime weather and climate in New Jersey / Paul S. Wichansky [and others]
  • A century of natural disasters in a state of changing vulnerability : New Jersey, 1900-1999 / James K. Mitchell.