Table of Contents:
  • ""FrontMatter""; ""Preface""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Presenters at Public Sessions""; ""Site Visits""; ""Contents""; ""Summary""; ""1 Introduction""; ""2 Salmon Life History and Ecology""; ""3 Threats to Atlantic Salmon in Maine""; ""4 Setting Priorities for Action""; ""5 Addressing the Threats to Atlantic Salmon in Maine""; ""6 Findings and Recommendations""; ""References""; ""Appendixes""; ""Appendix A Endangered Species Act Basics""; ""Appendix B Governance""; ""Appendix C Supportive Breeding, Effective Population Size, and Inbreeding""
  • ""Appendix D Supportive Breeding and Risks to Genetic Quality""""Appendix E Summary of Committeeâ€?s Interim Report (Excerpted from NRC 2002a)""; ""Appendix F Stocking Numbers, 1871â€?1995""; ""Appendix G Biographical Sketches of the Committeeâ€?s Members""