Table of Contents:
  • "I'm tired babying the Soviets" : the beginnings of Truman's internationalism
  • "The two giant marauders, war and tyranny" : framing containment
  • "A growing feeling of certainty in the rightness of our step" : the Truman Doctrine
  • "A noble page in world annals" : the politics of the Marshall Plan
  • "Bonds far greater than those of mere ideology" : Kennan's sources of Soviet conduct
  • "The great principles of human freedom and justice" : the beginning of the Atlantic alliance
  • "Peace with freedom and justice cannot be bought cheaply" : the purpose and structure of national security
  • "To assure the integrity and vitality of our free society" : the culmination of Truman's containment
  • "We must put on the armor of God" : history, faith, and peace in Truman's thought.