Table of Contents:
  • Love, American style: Hitchcock's Hollywood / Debra Fried
  • Unveiling maternal desires: Hitchcock and American domesticity / Elsie B. Michie
  • American shame: Rope, James Stewart, and the postwar crisis in American masculinity / Amy Lawrence
  • From Spellbound to Vertigo: Alfred Hitchcock and therapeutic culture in America / Jonathan Freedman
  • Hitchcock's Washington: spectatorship, ideology, and the "homosexual menace" in Strangers on a train / Robert J. Corber
  • Rear-view mirror: Hitchcock, Poe, and the flaneur in America / Dana Brand
  • Hitchcock and American character: the comedy of self-construction in North by northwest / Richard H. Millington
  • Hitchcock's revised American vision: The wrong man and Vertigo / Paula Marantz Cohen
  • Fearful cemetery / Michael Wood.