Table of Contents:
  • Human-environment interactions in forest ecosystems : an introduction / Emilio F. Moran
  • Theories underlying the study of human-environment interactions / Leah K. VanWey, Elinor Ostrom, and Vicky Meretsky
  • Linking disciplines across space and time : useful concepts and approaches for land-cover change studies / Glen M. Green, Charles M. Schweik, and J.C. Randolph
  • Multidisciplinary research relating institutions and forest transformations / Catherine M. Tucker and Elinor Ostrom
  • Forest ecosystems and the human dimensions / J.C. Randolph [and others]
  • Retrieving land-cover change information from Landsat satellite images by minimizing other sources of reflectance variability / Glen M. Green, Charles M. Schweik, and J.C. Randolph
  • Human-environment research, spatially explicit data analysis, and geographic information systems / Tom P. Evans, Leah K. VanWey, and Emilio F. Moran
  • Modeling land-use/land-cover change : exploring the dynamics of human-environment relationships / Tom P. Evans, Darla K. Munroe, and Dawn C. Parker
  • Intraregional analysis of land-use change in the Amazon / Eduardo S. Brondízio
  • Processes of forest change at the local and landscape levels in Honduras and Guatemala / Catherine M. Tucker and Jane Southworth
  • Comparison of aboveground biomass across Amazon sites / Dengsheng Lu [and others]
  • Cross-continental comparisons : Africa and Asia / Jon Unruh [and others]
  • Meta-analysis of agricultural change / William J. McConnell and Eric Keys
  • New directions in human-environment interactions and land-use/land-cover research / Emilio F. Moran.