Table of Contents:
  • Adaptive behavior and population viability / Leonard Morris Gosling
  • Dispersal and conservation: a behavioral perspective on metapopulation persistence / Rosie Woodroffe
  • Migration and conservation: the case of sea turtles / Paolo Luschi
  • Bridging the gap: linking individual bird movement and territory establishment rules with their patterns of distribution in fragmented forests / André Desrochers
  • Knowledge of reproductive behavior contributes to conservation programs / Isabelle M. Côté
  • Foraging behavior, habitat suitability, and translocation success, with special reference to large mammalian herbivores / Norman Owen-Smith
  • Variation in life history traits and realistic population models for wildlife management: the case of ungulates / Jean-Michel Gaillard, Anne Loison, and Carole Toïgo
  • Through the eyes of prey: how the extinction and conservation of North America's large carnivores alter prey systems and biodiversity / Joel Berger [and others]
  • Behavioral aspects of conservation and management of European mammals / Marco Appollonio, Bruno Bassano, and Andrea Mustoni
  • Implications of sexually selected infanticide for the hunting of large carnivores / Jon E. Swenson
  • Exploitative wildlife management as a selective pressure for the life-history evolution of large mammals / Marco Festa-Bianchet
  • Social groups, genetic structure, and conservation / F. Stephen Dobson and Bertram Zinner
  • Pathogen-driven sexual selection for "good genes" versus genetic variability in small populations / Claus Wedekind
  • Measuring idividual quality in conservation and behavior / Brian M. Steele and John T. Hogg
  • Individual quality, environment, and conservation / Peter Arcese
  • Where do we go from here? / Marco Festa-Bianchet.