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|a Part 1 : Best roses for special purposes : best scented roses, best red roses, roses for shaded positions, roses for hedges, roses for security (impenetrable barriers), best thornless roses, roses for growing in trees, roses for railing over walls, roses for pergolas and arches, roses for pots and containers, roses for poor soil conditions, roses for seaside locations, roses for ground cover, roses for small gardens, roses for balconies and roof gardens, roses as cut flowers, roses in contemporary gardens, roses for cottage gardes, roses for autumn and winter interest, curiosity roses, roses for special occasions. - - Part 2 : Directory of roses : bush roses, shrub roses, climbers and ramblers. - - Part 3 : Rose care : buying a rose, planting a rose, watering and feeding, training and pruning, propagation, pests and diseases.