Table of Contents:
  • Insanity, institutions and society : the case of the Robben Island Lunatic Asylum, 1846-1910 / Harriet Deacon
  • The confinement of the insane in Switzerland, 1900-1970 : Cery (Vaud) and Bel-Air (Geneva) asylums / Jacques Gasser and Geneviève Heller
  • Family strategies and medical power : 'voluntary' committal in a Parisian asylum, 1876-1914 / Patricia E. Prestwich
  • The confinement of the insane in Victorian Canada : the Hamilton and Toronto asylums, c. 1861-1891 / David Wright, James Moran and Sean Gouglas
  • Passage to the asylum : the role of the police in committals of the insane in Victoria, Australia, 1848-1900 / Catharine Coleborne
  • The Wittenauer Heilstätten in Berlin : a case record study of psychiatric patients in Germany, 1919-1960 / Andrea Dörries and Thomas Beddies
  • Curative asylum, custodial hospital : the South Carolina Lunatic Asylum and State Hospital, 1828-1920 / Peter McCandless
  • The state, family, and the insane in Japan, 1900-1945 / Akihito Suzuki
  • The limits of psychiatric reform in Argentina, 1890-1946 / Jonathan D. Ablard
  • Becoming mad in revolutionary Mexico : mentally ill patients at the General Insane Asylum, Mexico, 1910-1930 / Cristina Rivera-Garza
  • Psychiatry and confinement in India / Sanjeev Jain
  • Confinement and colonialism in Nigeria / Jonathan Sadowsky
  • 'Ireland's crowded madhouses' : the institutional confinement of the insane in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Ireland / Elizabeth Malcolm
  • The administration of insanity in England 1800 to 1870 / Elaine Murphy.