Table of Contents:
  • What is bullying? / Cheryl E. Sanders
  • Who are the victims? / Xin Ma
  • A theoretical review of bullying: can it be eliminated? / Adrienne Nishina
  • In the looking glass: a reciprocal effect model elucidating the complex nature of bullying, psychological determinants, and the central role of self-concept / Herbert W. Marsh [and others]
  • The bully in the family: family influences on bullying / James R. Holmes, Heather A. Holmes-Lonergan
  • Peer influences / Helen Cowie
  • Schools and bullying: school factors related to bullying and school-based bullying interventions / Allison Ann Payne, Denise C. Gottfredson
  • Bullying during middle school years / A.D. Pellegrini
  • Evaluating curriculum-based intervention programs: an examination of preschool, primary, and elementary school intervention programs / Faith L. Samples
  • Research based interventions on bullying / Jaana Juvonen, Sandra Graham.